The process how each work was codified - when, where, and in what language it was composed and codified, The historical context each individual piece of oral literature was codified General characteristics of oral literature and the socio-cultural role it played This paper intends to deal with following topics In fact, all religion-related scriptures which are based on oral tradition are excluded from this paper. This, this paper does not include some important codified works of oral literature such as the Vedas of India and the Old and New Testament. Second, this paper focuses on epics and legends, not on religious texts and historical accounts. Rather, this paper takes certain specific eras in which the codification of oral literature wasĪctive, and focuses on them. First, it does not cover the entire time period between c. Therefore, this paper would look into the history of the oral literatureĪnd its codification from the Gilgamesh epics of 2500 BCE to Kalevala of 19th century CE, and would try to understand them in relation Insight into the era and society in which the work was codified. In historical context not only its impact is of significance, but also how and why a work of literature was textualized provides us an Rather, it is an event which has to be understood Simple event in which a work of literature merely changed its form from one to another. The codification of oral literature, however, is not a

Replaced orality, such oral literature was also written down as fixed texts. As writing systems were invented and literacy The term oral literature originates from here Īt the early stage of human history, all literary works were preserved by oral tradition. The writing system, such stories were transmitted orally from generation to generation. Sometimes to entertain themselves, sometimes to educate others, and sometimes for several other purposes. The history of the literature probably dates back to the earliest human society however early had they lived, people created stories, IV.2.2 Codification of Oral Literature in the Era of Settlement : Kalevala IV.2.3.3 Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms IV.2.3 Codification of Oral Literature in the Era of Settlement IV.1.3.2 Homeric Epics: Iliad and Odyssey IV.1.3 Codification of Oral Literature in the Era of Settlement IV.1 Era of Settlement: Introduction of Writing Systems and the First Codified Literature Codification of Oral Literature: History by Period Term Paper, Medieval History Class, December 2011 The Textualization of Epics and Legends in their Historical Context History of Oral Literature and its Codification WHKMLA, Students' Papers, 15th Wave Index Page WHKMLA : History of Oral Literature and its Codification The Textualization of Epics and Legends in their Historical Context